Lately we hear about “revenge tourism”, but it is not a negative meaning! This expression is used to describe the feeling of redemption of people who feel the need to travel after the period of austerity and constraint due to Covid 19. Perhaps a more suitable term could be “comforting”: knowing that the experience of a journey can be something solid again, that makes us feel free and happy.

According to the survey of its more than 2,000 members by Global Rescue (the leading travel risk, crisis management and response company) «by summer 2021, travellers will be less worried about travel safety. The survey found three out of four respondents (77%) are less or much less concerned about travel safety for the last half of 2021 (July to December)». Initially, trips will be undertaken domestically but many respondents (6 out of 10) plan to travel internationally as early as 2021, subject to the basic requirements of obtaining vaccination and the opening of borders.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) also recently carried out a survey on its travellers, and again there is growing confidence in a return to air travel. The survey also reveals that «People are also feeling frustrated with the loss of freedom to travel, with 68% of respondents indicating their quality of life is suffering as a result» highlighting how the restrictions have not only complicated business but also deprived of «an important human moment».

The isolation and blocking of mobility have started a feeling of frustration that can now, with the necessary safety, turn into a desire: desire to plan a trip, desire for a vacation, desire to discover and get to know another country. We deserve it!

PS. As we are writing these few lines, Italy Covid 19 cases decreased by 51% from the average two weeks ago. Vaccination is now really going fast (more than 600 thousand doses in one day)…meaning that the Walk About Italy team is ready to host you and show you around this beautiful country! 
😊 <—- this is Gianni’s happy face